2015-02-18 14-18-24_1
Состав препарата.Настойка Календулы, Эхинацеи,Зверобоя,Спиртовый раствор прополиса.

LARINGOSPRAY   throat spray 20 ml

Ingredients of the preparation: marigold tincture, propolis solution.

Spray is used for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mouth cavity and throat, has great anesthetic activity and antiseptic features.

 Indications for usage:

Tickling, sore throat

Method of usage:

Stir the package of the aerosol, remove the muff of the sprayer. Press the head of the sprayer 3 times (approximately 250 mg of the product is sprayed in such a way). Use up to 3 times a day.

Allowed to use for children over 6 years.

Restrictions in usage: Hypersensitivity (allergy) to any ingredient of the preparation.