UROLUX  tablets №30

Ingredients of the preparation:

Cranberry extract
Vitamin С
Vitamin Е
Bearberry extract
Nettle root

A remedy with natural composition, serves for the treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. Thanks to the ingredients comprising the composition of the preparation, fixation of the agents of disease to the wall of the urinary bladder and urinary tracts is prevented. Moreover, the preparation serves for the prevention of formation of renal and cyctic

Indications for usage:

– acute and chronic diseases of urogenital system (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis)
– edema of various genesis
– prevention and treatment of urolithiasis in the content of complex therapy.

Method of usage:  1-2 tablets a day. Do not exceed the recommended dose.

Side effects: Not defined.

Contraindications:  Individual sensitivity to the ingredients of the preparation.