2015-02-18 14-18-24_1
Состав препарата.Настойка Календулы, Эхинацеи,Зверобоя,Спиртовый раствор прополиса.

LARINGOSPRAY   throat spray 20 ml

Ingredients of the preparation: marigold tincture, propolis solution.

Spray is used for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mouth cavity and throat, has great anesthetic activity and antiseptic features.

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KARDIOVITAL    vial 100 ml

Ingredients of the preparation: extracts of hawthorn, motherwort and nettle; vitamins В1, В2, В6, В12.

A complex preparation that has strengthening effect on cardiac muscles, reduces the sensitivity of myocardium to hypoxia, normalizes the cardiac rhythm and arterial pressure, regulates the functional state of CNS. Continue reading

2015-02-18 14-19-54_1
Входящие в состав препарата Омега-3 ПНЖК ,а также витамины и минеральные вещества защищают  организм при различных неблагоприятных воздействиях внешней среды,укрепляют иммунитет,оказывают антиоксидантное,кардио-,нейро- и цитопротективное действие.Также препарат необходим беременным и кормящим женщинам для нормального развития ребенка.

Показания к применению:



Мышечные дистрофии

Депрессивный и абстинентный синдром

Токсические поражения печени

Цирроз печени, Гепатиты

Холециститы, камни в желчном пузыре


Потери памяти


Сердечная недостаточность

Постинфарктные состояния

Рассеянный склероз


Способ употребления:

Внутрь по 1 капсуле 1 раз в день. Рекомендовоно детям с 12 летнего возраста.

Ограничения употребления:

Повышенная чувствительность (аллергия) на любую из составных частей продукта

UNIMIX  capsules №30

Omega-3 PUFA, as well as vitamins and mineral substances that comprise the ingredients of the preparation, protect the organism in case of various unfavorable effects of the environment, strengthens immunity, has an antioxidant, cardio-, neuro- and cytoprotective action. Continue reading


tablets №30

Ingredients of the preparation:

Folic acid 800 mkg

Folic acid is a vitally important vitamin. It takes part in metabolism process, as well as in the synthesis of DNA, is liable for the formation of blood cells, is necessary for the formation of immunity, facilitates the work of the Continue reading



vial 100 ml

Ingredients of the preparation:

Ferrum gluconate

Vitamin В1

Vitamin В2

Vitamin В6

Vitamin В12

Rosehip extract

Nettle extract

A combined preparation that serves for the prevention and treatment of anemia caused by the deficiency of ferrum, folic acid and vitamin В12. The preparations of bivalent ferrum (in the form of ferrum gluconate) have wider bioavailability than the preparations of salt of trivalent ferrum. Absorption of ferrum from ionic compounds occurs principally in bivalent form, whereas the activity of utilization of ferrum from preparations that contain salt of trivalent ferrum, is inflexibly limited by a definite рН level of gastric juice (in case of high acidity of the gastric juice, sparingly soluble ferrum hydroxides are formed).

Vitamin C contained by rosehip contributes to the qualitative digestion of ferrum.

Indications for usage:

  • latent ferrum deficiency
  • anemia of various genesis
  • pregnancy and lactation period
  • menstrual cycle
  • preparation to elective operations
  • arrangement of conditions for desired pregnancy
  • intensive physical activity
  • long-term intake of antibiotics
  • anemia caused by gastric or intestine resection
  • alimentary macrocytic anemia in neonates

hypo- and avitaminosis

Dosage regimen:

For adults and children older than 12 years old per 15 ml (a table spoon) once a day.

For children from the age of 6 to 12 per 10 ml (a dessert spoon).

For children from the first month of life per 5 ml (a tea spoon) once a day.

Restrictions in usage: individual sensitivity to the ingredients of the preparation.

Form of release:

Syrup 100 ml in a vial.

2015-02-18 14-22-14_1

Комплексный препарат,улучшающий процесс пищеварения .Входящий в состав препарата экстракт одуванчика  улучшает  функцию желчного пузыря,способствует желчеотделению.Препарат особенно показан при употреблении жирной и обильной пищи.


capsules №30

A complex preparation enhancing the digestion process. The dandelion extract which is one of the ingredients of the preparation facilitates the function of cholecyst, contributes to choleresis.

The preparation proves itself especially during the usage of oily and heavy food. Continue reading


vial 10 ml

Ingredients: Each drop of the preparation contains vitamin D3 100 IU.

Prevention and treatment:

Completes the deficiency of the vitamin D in the organism;
Removal of all symptoms of rachitis and its prevention;
Provision of the normal growth and development of the bones of the skeleton;
Prevention of osteoporosis in children of older ages and adults;
Facilitates the sediment of calcium in the dentine (prevention of caries)

Method of usage:

For children beginning from the second week of life 4 drops (400 IU), for prematurely born children 4-6 drops (400-600 IU) once a day in the first half of the day. For the purpose of prevention of rachitis, 500 IU is prescribed for children beginning from the third week every day from October to the end of April.

Side effects:

Side effect is not defined during the usage of the preparation in the recommended doses and the absence of individual hypersensitivity.



syrup 150 ml

Each 5 ml of the product contains 110 mg elementary calcium in the form of calcium lactate.

Calcium lactate is the most easily digested and well transferred form of calcium which does not cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, and that is preferable for prescription for children.

Calcium deficiency in infants is one of the reasons of occurrence of rachitis. But in the following periods of life the insufficient entry of calcium with food in childhood, conjugated with the reduction of its precipitation in the bone tissue, serves as one of the risk factors of osteoporosis, that is the reduction of the solidity of bones, and stipulated with their fracture.

Calcelux completes the calcium deficiency in the organism of the child and serves for the prevention and treatment of rachitis in children.

Indications for usage:

  • prevention and treatment of calcium deficiency in children and adults
  • prevention of caries, derangement of the formation of teeth
  • for reduction of allergic symptoms (allergic rhinitis, rash, bronchial asthma)
  • as an additional source of calcium in children with intolerance of milk products.

Method of usage:

For children of 0-3 ages per 1 teaspoon twice a day in the second half of the day, 3-12 ages 1 tablespoon 1-2 times a day, from the age of 12 and older 1 tablespoon twice a day.

Side effects: Not defined.


capsules №20

Ingredients of the preparation: Each capsule contains:
Probiotic composite 100,0 mg (lactobacillus acidophillus- 500 mln. CFU, bifidobacterium bifidum- 300 mln. CFU, enterococcus faecum- 200 mln. CFU)

Vitamin С
Echinacea extract
Preparation that normalizes gut organisms. Prevents the occurrence of disbacteriosis, raises the
immune reaction of the organism.

Indications for usage:

  • disorder of the composition of the normal flora of the intestine (disbacteriosis);
  • prevention of disbacteriosis during and after antibiotic therapy, therapy with sulfanilamide, radiation therapy;
  • disorder of digestion caused by the damage of the intestinal epithelium and the change of the composition of the normal microflora of the intestine;
  • chronic and acute diarrhea, meteorism (abdominal distension), constipation;
  • gastroenteritis, colitis, chronic, atrophic gastroenteritis;
  • disorder of digestion caused by the change of the climate;
  • cutaneous allergic diseases (urticaria, eczema, neurodermatitis);
  • enteric infection: salmonellosis in infants;
  • vaginal disbacteriosis, mycotic vulvovaginitis.

Method of usage:

For children at the age of 1-4 per 1/2 – 1 capsule 1-2 times a day, children at the age of 4-12 per 1 capsule 1-2 times a day, from the age of 12 and adults 1 capsule 2-3 times a day.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Side effects: Not defined.
Contraindications: Individual hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the preparation.